Unnecessary Burdens

Scripture: 19 “So, in my judgment, we should not add any unnecessary burden upon the non-Jewish converts who are turning to God 20 We will go to them as apostles and teach them to be set free from offering sacrifices to idols, sexual immorality, and eating anything strangled or with any blood. 21 For many generations these words of Moses have been proclaimed every Sabbath day in the synagogues. (Acts 15:19-21 The Passion) Even today, we seem to think we need to put unnecessary burdens (rules) on the simple message of the Gospel. We say, “If you do this and don’t do this, you will get in.” I put some of these unnecessary burdens on myself sometimes, thinking it will show me off in a better light; so not necessary or even right. Father, I want only what You say is right and not the man-made rules. You are a gracious God who is gentle with Your children. Thank You for Your love and grace. AMEN God, Your wrap-around presence is my defense. With kindness You look upon those You love. One day of intimacy with You is like a thousand days of joy rolled into one. Psalm 84