
Scripture: 20 As Jesus was speaking about the things that were to come, Zebedee’s wife, whose sons were among Jesus’ disciples, came to Jesus with her sons and knelt down before Him to ask a favor. Jesus: 21 “What do you want?” Zebedee’s Wife: “When the kingdom of God is made manifest, I want one of my boys, James and John , to sit at Your right hand, and one to sit at Your left hand.” Jesus (to all three) : 22 “You don’t understand what you are asking. Can you drink the cup I am going to drink? Can you be ritually washed in baptism just as I have been baptized?” Zebedee Brothers: “Of course!” Jesus: 23 “Yes, you will drink from My cup, and yes, you will be baptized as I have been. But the thrones to My right and My left are not Mine to grant. My Father has already given those seats to those for whom they were created.” 24 The other ten disciples learned what the Zebedee brothers had asked of Jesus, and they were upset. 25 So Jesus called the disciples together. Jesus: “You need some perspective here. Do you want the Kingdom run like the Romans run their kingdom? Their rulers have great power over the people, but God the Father doesn’t play by the Romans’ rules . 26 This is the Kingdom’s logic: whoever wants to become great must first make himself a servant; 27 whoever wants to be first must bind himself as a slave— 28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life as the ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:20-28 The Voice)

And once again the disciples were having a hard time with understanding what the Kingdom of God really was. They seemed to only be able to see it from the earthly point of view. Jesus said to them that they needed some perspective to really understand. How many times do I need the proper perspective to understand the truth of things that happen? Sometimes we just need to take a step back, take a second look, before we make a judgement or before we make a move. Lord, I do want to take the time to get a proper perspective. Your ways truly are not always the ways I think they should be. But this I know, Your ways are best and that is what I want. Help me with my perspective. AMEN Father, I know that what You want is my true thanks. Giving thanks is a sacrifice that will truly honor You. Psalm 50