Might Trap Him

Scripture: 33 And again the crowd was amazed. They were astonished at His teaching. 34 Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, a group of Pharisees met to consider new questions that might trip up Jesus . 35 A legal expert thought of one that would certainly stump Him. Pharisees: 36 “Teacher, of all the laws, which commandment is the greatest?” Jesus (quoting Scripture) : 37 “Love the Eternal One your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind.” 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is nearly as important, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” 40 The rest of the law, and all the teachings of the prophets, are but variations on these themes.” (Matthew 22:33-40 The Voice) 46 No one had an answer to Jesus’ question. And from that day forward, no one asked Him anything. (Matthew 22:46 The Voice) It seems that the Sadducees and Pharisees were relentless in trying to trap Jesus. If they had spent as much time and effort listening to the truths Jesus was teaching, and opening their hearts as He performed miracles, they would have been so much wiser. It is so important for me, for you, to really listen for the Words of the Father, and to watch for miracles instead looking for faults. Lord, again, I do want to be simple in my faith, wise in my understanding, and open to see You at work in the world I live in. Thank You for who You are, and for Your faithfulness in my life. AMEN I will, and do, trust in God’s unfailing love forever. I will praise Him for all that He has done and wait for His mercies. Psalm 52