Grace Gifts – Different Parts

Scripture: 4 Now there are many kinds of grace gifts, but they are all from the same Spirit. 5 There are many different ways to serve, but they’re all directed by the same Lord. 6 There are many amazing working gifts in the church, but it is the same God who energizes them all in all who have the gifts. (1 Corinthians 12:4-6 The Voice) What an amazing God we have, with amazing ways! He has chosen to give each of His children grace gifts. Each of us with our part(s) is truly only a part of the whole. The gifts we have been given are grace gifts and are not given to us to make us proud or boastful. “But God designed the body in such a way that greater significance is given to the seemingly insignificant part. 25 That way there should be no division in the body; instead, all the parts mutually depend on and care for one another.” We should acknowledge the fact that we are mutually dependent on one another and then really care for one another in the body of Christ. Father, thank You that You did give grace gifts to Your children. Help me to faithfully use these gifts You have given me. AMEN I will give You thanks, O Lord, for You alone are good. Your faithful love continues forever. Yes, You are for me and You help me. Psalm 118