Wrong Motive

Scripture: 18 When Simon saw how the Holy Spirit was released through the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he approached them and offered them money, 19 saying, “I want this power too. I’m willing to pay you for the anointing that you have, so that I also can lay my hands on everyone to receive the Holy Spirit.” 20 Peter rebuked him and said, “Your money will go with you to destruction! How could you even think that you could purchase God’s supernatural gift with money? 21 You will never have this gift or take part in this ministry, for your heart is not right with God. 22 Repent this moment for allowing such wickedness to fill you. Plead with the Lord that perhaps he would forgive you the treachery of your heart. 23 For I discern that jealous envy has poisoned you and binds you as a captive to sin.” 24 Simon begged, “Peter, please pray to God for me. Plead with him so that nothing you just said over me may come to pass!” (Acts 8:18-24 The Passion) Jealousy and envy can be such destructive forces in our lives. The gifts from God are just that; gifts. These gifts cannot be bought. We are each given the gifts that God has chosen to give us, and those are the ones we should use. And these gifts are not to be used to show off or to try to prove we are better than someone else; or more important. Thank You, Father, that You do give gifts to Your children to be used for You and for Your Kingdom. Help me to more and more know who I am and the gifts You have given me and to use them for good. AMEN I will give my praise and thanks to You, Lord, for You’re better than anyone could ever imagine. You are always loving and kind, and Your faithful love never ends! Psalm 107