Obedience Or Fear

Scripture: 10 Living in Damascus was a believer named Ananias. The Lord spoke to him in a vision calling his name. “Ananias.” “Yes, Lord,” Ananias answered. 11-12 The Lord said, “Go at once to the street called Abundance and look for a man from Tarsus named Saul. You will find him at Judah’s house. While he was praying, he saw in a supernatural vision a man named Ananias coming to lay hands upon him to restore his sight.” 13 “But Lord,” Ananias replied, “many have told me about his terrible persecution of those in Jerusalem who are devoted to you. 14 In fact, the high priest has authorized him to seize and imprison all those in Damascus who call on your name.” 15 The Lord Yahweh answered him, “Arise and go! I have chosen this man to be my special messenger. He will be brought before kings, before many nations, and before the Jewish people to give them the revelation who I am. 16 And I will show him how much he is destined to suffer because of his passion for me.” 17 Ananias left and found the house where Saul was staying. He went inside and laid hands on him, saying, “Saul, my brother, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road, has sent me to pray for you so that you might see again and be filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit.” 18 All at once, the crusty substance that was over Saul’s eyes disappeared and he could see perfectly. Immediately, he got up and was baptized. 19 After eating a meal, his strength returned. (Acts 9:10-19 The Passion) Saul of Tarsus had gained quite the reputation for persecuting those who believed in Jesus. He was a very passionate young man! But he had an encounter with the One he was seemingly so against, and his life was changed! Now the Lord was talking with a man named Ananias and asking him to do something that made him afraid because of all the things he had heard about this man named Saul. He had a choice to make – to refuse to obey out of fear or to trust and obey. He chose to trust and obey and the rest is history and so much of what we know about God and His ways has been given to us through the man, Saul who became known as Paul! Thank You, for the obedience of Ananias and giving him the strength to go to Saul and lay hands on him and heal his blindness. Thank You for the faithfulness of Saul who became Paul to do all that he did, and to leave us with so much of the New Testament! AMEN Lord God, I do love You! You’re as real to me as the bedrock beneath my feet. You’re my forever firm fortress, my mountain of hiding, and pathway of escape. You’re my strength and shield around me. Thank You! Psalm 18