
Scripture: 12 Later the disciples came to Him. Disciples: “Do You realize the Pharisees were shocked by what You said?” Jesus: 13 “Every plant planted by someone other than My heavenly Father will be plucked up by the roots. 14 So let them be. They are blind guides. What happens when
one blind person leads another? Both of them fall into a ditch.” Peter: 15 “Explain that riddle to us. Jesus: 16 “Do you still not see? 17 Don’t you understand that whatever you take in through your mouth makes its way to your stomach and eventually out of the bowels of your body? 18 But the things that come out of your mouth—your curses, your fears, your denunciations—these come from your heart, and it is the stirrings of your heart that can make you unclean. 19 For your heart harbors evil thoughts—fantasies of murder, adultery, and whoring; fantasies of stealing, lying, and slandering. 20 These make you unclean—not eating with a hand you’ve not ritually purified with a splash of water and a prayer. (Matthew 15:12-20 The Voice)
We as humans can be so slow to learn sometimes, many times. We want easy ways that include rules and rituals that seem to help us know when we are doing the right thing. What is in my/our heart? A reminder from chapter 12; “For the mouth simply shapes the heart’s impulses into words.” If our hearts are clean, then our words will be pure and good. Father, I want my heart to be clean, to be full of good thoughts so that the words I speak are pure and good. I want Your truths rather a lot of rules and rituals that can be hard to keep, but not what really guides my heart. Thanks You for Your truths, Your love, and Your faithfulness. AMEN When the earth quakes and its people live in turmoil, my Lord is the One who keeps its foundation firm. Thank You. Psalm 75