Faith Or Doubt

Scripture: 26 The disciples saw a figure moving toward them and were terrified. Disciple: “It’s a ghost!” Another Disciple: “A ghost? What will we do?” Jesus: 27 “Be still. It is I. You have nothing to
fear.” Peter: 28 “Lord, if it is really You, then command me to meet You on the water.” Jesus: 29 “Indeed, come.” Peter stepped out of the boat onto the water and began walking toward Jesus. 30 But when he remembered how strong the wind was, his courage caught in his throat and he began to sink. Peter: “Master, save me!” 31 Immediately Jesus reached for Peter and caught him. Jesus: “O you of little faith. Why did you doubt and dance back and forth between following Me and heeding fear?” (Matthew 14:26-31 The Voice)
Sometimes, many times really, there is fine line between faith and doubt. We can, like Peter, step out in faith, and then thoughts of all the things that might happen come rushing in and we begin to fear. As Jesus said in this Scripture, “Why did you doubt and dance back and forth between following Me and heeding fear?” Lord, I don’t want to do the dance, but rather respond in faith to what You ask me do. That is not always easy, but it is what I want. Help me to increase in my faith. AMEN When You, Lord, look down from heaven I desire to be one with real understanding and one who seeks You always. Psalm 14