Words Or Spirit

Scripture: 4 Then He turned to the Pharisees with a question. Jesus: “Do our laws tell us to do good or evil on the Sabbath? To save life, or to snuff it out?” They remained silent. 5 Jesus was furious as He looked out over the crowd, and He was grieved by their hard hearts. How could anyone care so much about the words of the law and so little about the spirit of it? Jesus: (to the man with the withered hand) “So be it. Stretch out your hand.” The man stretched forth his hand; and as he did, it was completely healed. (Mark 3:4-5 The Voice) I think many of us may need to be careful of the same attitude the Pharisees struggled with; I know I do at times. Jesus was so much more concerned with doing the right thing at the time it was needed. What is the right thing to do; what is the right time? Lord, I do not want to get caught up in not looking at the spirit of the law rather than the letter of the law. I want to be able to see the right thing to do led by Your spirit. Thank You for showing us the way. AMEN Father, as I learn Your righteous laws, I will thank You by living as I should. May my actions consistently reflect Your principles. Psalm 119