Words From Jesus


11 That night the Lord appeared to Paul and said, “Be encouraged, Paul. Just as you have told the people about me here in Jerusalem, you must preach the Good News in Rome.” (Acts 23:11 NLT)

Paul was in a difficult situation; arrested and put in jail just for doing what Jesus had told him to do. How many times had he been almost killed, and there were more times ahead for him? Then Jesus appeared to him and said, “Be encouraged, Paul”. Paul heard many words from Jesus, and always just when he needed them. If I am aware and open, I can also hear words from Jesus, and just when I need them. Jim and I have received prophecies over our years of serving God, and they are such an encouragement! From time to time, we review these words from Jesus that we have received, and they do encourage us. We are so thankful that God still speaks today, and if we are open, we can hear!

Thank you, Lord, for Your words of encouragement to us over the years. I ask that You will continue to give us Your words of life; through Your Word, through songs, through people; however you choose. We will do our best to listen, and receive the encouragement and direction we need. I love You, and I love Your ways. AMEN

All day long I will put my hope in You, Lord. I know that You will lead me by Your truth and teach me for You are my God. Psalm 25
