Stubbornness Of Unbelief

Scripture: 1 Jesus went back into His own hometown where He had grown up, and His disciples followed Him there. 2 When the Sabbath came, He went into the synagogue in Nazareth and began to teach as He had done elsewhere , and many of those who heard Him were astonished. Those in the Synagogue: “Where did He gain this wisdom? And what are all these stories we’ve been hearing about the signs and healings He’s performed? Where did He get that kind of power? 3 Isn’t this Jesus, the little boy we used to see in Joseph’s carpenter shop ? Didn’t He grow up to be a carpenter just like His father ? Isn’t He the son of Mary over there and the brother of James, Joses, Judas, Simon, and their sisters? Who does He think He is?” And when they had thought about it that way, they became indignant and closed themselves to His message. Jesus (seeing this) : 4 “A prophet can find honor anywhere except in his hometown, among his own people, and in his own household.” 5 He could not do any of His great works among them except with a few of the sick, whom He healed by laying His hands upon them. 6 He was amazed by the stubbornness of their unbelief. (Mark 6:1-6 The Voice) How very sad, but how very true so many times that it can be hard to believe the ones we that know personally can be used by God in a special way! The people in Nazareth had seen Jesus all the time He was growing up and expected Him to be a carpenter like His father, Joseph. They had a hard time moving from that thinking to Jesus being able to do miracles and be Who He was. So they had a stubbornness of unbelief that amazed Jesus. Father God, I want to believe! You are Who You say You are, and You are real in my life. Thank You for this amazing truth! AMEN Yes, the Word of the Lord holds true, and everything He does is worthy of our trust. His unfailing love fills the earth. Psalm 33