From The Heart

Scripture: 14 (to the crowd that had gathered) Listen, all of you, to this teaching. I want you to understand. 15 There is nothing outside someone that can corrupt him. Only the things that come out of a person can corrupt him. [ 16 All who have ears to hear, let them listen.] 17 When they had come in from the road, His disciples asked Him what He meant by this teaching. Jesus: 18 Do you mean you don’t understand this one either? Whatever goes into people from outside can’t defile them 19 because it doesn’t go into their hearts. Outside things go through their guts and back out, thus making all foods pure. 20 No, it’s what comes from within that corrupts. 21 – 22 It’s what grows out of the hearts of people that leads to corruption: evil thoughts, immoral sex, theft, murder, adultery, greed, wicked acts, treachery, sensuality, jealousy, slander, pride, and foolishness. 23 All of these come from within, and these are the sins that truly corrupt a person. (Mark 7:14-23 The Voice) Jesus so clearly tells us once again in this portion of Scripture, that it is what is in our heart that is the key. Keeping all the rules is not what makes us clean and right with God. What is in our heart is what clearly dictates what we say, what we do, and what we believe. It is most important for us as believers to keep our hearts pure. Lord, help to not let unclean thoughts creep into my heart. I so want a good and pure heart before You always. You are good, and Your ways are good. Thank You once again for Your love for me. AMEN At the times when doubts may fill my mind, Father, I know that Your comfort will give me renewed hope and cheer. Psalm 94
