I Want To See

Scripture: 46 By that time, they had reached Jericho; as they passed through the town, a crowd of people followed along. They came to a blind beggar, Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, who sat beside the main road. 47 When he was told that Jesus of Nazareth was passing in that throng, he called out in a loud voice. Bartimaeus: “Jesus, Son of David, take pity on me and help me!” Disgusted by the blind man’s public display, others in the crowd tried to silence him until the Master passed . Some of the Crowd: 48 “Be quiet. Shush.” Bartimaeus (still louder) : “Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me!” 49 Jesus stopped where He stood. The crowd stopped with Him. He told those near the front of the crowd to call the blind man forward. Some of the Crowd (to Bartimaeus) : “Good news! Jesus has heard you. Listen —He calls for you. Get up and go to Him .” 50 Bartimaeus cast aside his beggar’s robe and stepped forward, feeling his way toward Jesus. Jesus: 51 “What do you want from Me?” Bartimaeus: “Teacher, I want to see.” Jesus: 52 “Your faith has made you whole. Go in peace.” In that moment, Bartimaeus could see again; and from that time on, he followed Jesus. (Mark 10:46-52 The Voice) Once again we see someone, Bartimaeus, who was brave enough to put their faith into action. He did what he could do; call out for help. The crowd tried to quiet him down, but he persisted in his cries. His request was simple and yet so big; “Teacher, I want to see.” What is my need, your need, that requires an act faith to call out to Jesus for an answer? Even if the crowd does not want to hear us, Jesus does. Whether simple or large, He is available to listen and to answer. Father, I know You are always available to me. Forgive me when I fail to act in faith and call out to you. Open my eyes so that I can see the truths You want me to see, and then to move forward in faith. I love You. AMEN I will commit everything to You, Lord, and trust You, knowing that You will help me. I will be still in Your presence and wait patiently. Psalm 37