
Scripture: 6 They answered as Jesus had instructed and were allowed to take it, 7 so they brought the colt back to Jesus, piled garments on its back to make a comfortable seat , and Jesus rode the animal toward Jerusalem . 8 As they traveled, people cast their cloaks onto the road and spread out leafy branches, which they had brought from the fields along the way . 9 People walked ahead of them, and others followed behind. People (shouting) : “Hosanna! Rescue us now, Lord! Hosanna! Blessed be the One who comes in the name of the Eternal One! 10 And blessed is the kingdom of our father David , which draws closer to us today ! Hosanna in the highest heavens!” (Mark 11:6-10 The Voice) What a sight this must have been! “Hosanna! Rescue us now, Lord! the people shouted. I am not sure that I have realized the ‘rescue us’ part before. We all face times when we need to be rescued from something; something we might we afraid of, sometimes even ourselves. Maybe when that happens to me, I should start saying Hosanna, Hosanna instead of just help me. This is an interesting thought this morning, Lord. You give us insights all the time, and I am so thankful for Your love and care. AMEN I am happy as I fear the Lord and follow His ways! My life is rich with my husband, children and grandchildren. Thank You! Psalm 128