Dreams and Prophecies

Scripture: 12 And then, just as Joseph did a few months before, the wise men had a dream warning them not to go back to Herod. The wise men heeded the dream. Ignoring Herod’s instructions, they returned to their homes in the East by a different route. 13 After the wise men left, a messenger of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. Get up, take the child and His mother and head to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you it is safe to leave. For Herod understands that Jesus threatens him and all he stands for. He planning to search for the child and kill Him. But you will be safe in Egypt. 14 So Joseph got up in the middle of the night, he bundled up Mary and Jesus and they left for Egypt. 22 Soon he (Joseph) learned that Archelaus, Herod’s oldest and notoriously brutal son, was ruling Judea. Archelaus, Joseph knew might not be any friendlier to Joseph and his family than Herod had been. Joseph was simply afraid. He had another dream, and in this dream, he was warned away from Judea; so Joseph decided to settle up north in a district called Galilee, 23 in a town called Nazareth. And this, too, fulfilled what the prophets have taught, “The Savior will be a Nazarene.” (Matthew 2:12-14, 22-23 The Voice) It seems to me in re-reading this portion of Scripture from the book of Matthew that God many times uses dreams to enable His people to be part of fulfilling prophecy. God is so amazing in how He uses so many ways to talk to His people, and to instruct them and lead them. How does God talk to you, to me? I have had dreams that I know were from God. They were certainly not of the same importance as the dreams that Joseph and the wise men had, but important for me. I love when there is a portion of scripture that so clearly is a Word from God for me, when the preacher seems to be reading my mail, or in many cases when a song becomes what I need at a certain time in my life. My God can, and does, use so many ways to share with us, His children, if we will only stay aware and open. Father God, thank You so much that You are willing to use so many ways to talk to me, to us. As I reflect on this, I am filled with love for You and for Your ways. I determine in this new year to continue to wait on You and Your Word for me. AMEN I will wait quietly before You God, for my hope is in You. You alone are my rock and my salvation, my refuge. I will not be shaken. Psalm 62