Wondering What It Meant

Scripture: 4 They stood there, stunned and perplexed. Suddenly two men in dazzling white robes shining like lightning appeared above them. 5 Terrified, the women fell to the ground on their faces. The men in white said to them, “Why would you look for the living One in a tomb? He is not here, for he has risen! 6 Have you forgotten what he said to you while he was still in Galilee: 7”The Son of Man is destined to be handed over to sinful men to be nailed to a cross, and on the third day he will rise again?” 8 All at once they remembered his words. 9 Leaving the tomb, they went to break the news to the Eleven and to all the others of what they had seen and heard. 10-11 When the disciples heard the testimony of the women, it made no sense, and they were unable to believe what they heard. 12 But Peter jumped up and ran the entire distance to the tomb to see for himself. Stopping down, he looked inside and discovered it was empty! There was only the linen sheet lying there. Staggered by this, he walked away, wondering what it meant. (Luke 24:4-12 The Passion) We as mere humans, so many times take a lot of convincing to believe something we have been told. How would I/you have reacted in this situation? Would we have believed any more quickly? Jesus had told them at different times and in many ways what to expect, and yet when it happened, they were surprised and wondered what it meant. Of course, we know that they eventually ‘got it’, and so we have the rest of the New Testament! Father, help me with my believing and with my understanding. I don’t want to be slow to believe or to wonder what it meant. You are so patient with me. Thank You. AMEN O Lord, what an amazing variety of all You have created! Wild and wonderful is this world You have made, while wisdom was there at Your side. Psalm 104