Who/What Will I Serve


Jesus: 24 “No one can serve two masters. If you try, you will wind up loving the first
master and hating the second, or vice versa. People try to serve both God and money—
but you can’t. You must choose one or the other.” (Matthew 6:24 The Voice)
Jesus is quite clear as He talks to us in this portion of Scripture. We must choose! And we know that is not always easy. The world we live in today is always saying, and loudly as well, that we need more and better stuff to make our live complete. For Jim and I, because we have lived in different times and different places, we know this is not true. But still, we have to be so careful to not let the desire for stuff get in the way of loving and serving our God. Father God, You alone are the One we want to serve. Help us each day to make the right choices in the decisions we have about who/what we will serve. You are so good and faithful as You provide for us in so many way. Thank You. AMEN Thank You, Lord, for Your unfailing love that is as vast as the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds. Psalm 36