Who Is King?

Scripture: 32 All these things were a fulfillment of the words Jesus had spoken indicating the way that He would die. 33 So Pilate reentered the governor’s palace and called for Jesus to follow him. Pilate: “Are You the King of the Jews?” Jesus: 34 “Are you asking Me because you believe this is true, or have others said this about Me?” Pilate: 35 “I’m not a Jew, am I? Your people, including the chief priests, have arrested You and placed You in my custody. What have You done?” Jesus: 36 “My kingdom is not recognized in this world. If this were My kingdom, My servants would be fighting for My freedom. But My kingdom is not in this physical realm.” Pilate: 37 “So You are a king?” Jesus: “You say that I am king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the cosmos: to demonstrate the power of truth. Everyone who seeks truth hears My voice.” Pilate (to Jesus) : 38 “What is truth?” Pilate left Jesus to go and speak to the Jewish people. (John 18:32-38 The Voice) It was so very hard for the people of this time to understand what Jesus meant when He said, “My kingdom is not in this physical realm.” Even His disciples who had walked with Him and heard Him so many times when He spoke publicly and even privately to them, had a hard time grasping what that really meant. Everyone expected, even hoped, that Jesus would set up some kind of physical reign with all the trappings that would include. Maybe we still have some thoughts like that today. Father, I do want my heart to want Your Kingdom and only Yours. When I get distracted and off track, please remind me of Who my King is; Who I should serve?
I love You and I want what You want. AMEN Praise the Lord! I know that You love me with unfailing love and that Your faithfulness endures forever. Yes, I will praise the Lord. Psalm 117