
Scripture: 21 And the Spirit makes it possible to submit humbly to one another out of respect for the Anointed. 22 Wives, it should be no different with your husbands. Submit to them as you do to the Lord, 23 for God has given husbands a sacred duty to lead as the Anointed leads the church and serves as the head. (The church is His body; He is her Savior.) 24 So wives should submit to their husbands, respectfully, in all things, just as the church yields to the Anointed One. 25 – 26 Husbands, you must love your wives so deeply, purely, and sacrificially that we can understand it only when we compare it to the love the Anointed One has for His bride, the church. We know He gave Himself up completely to make her His own, washing her clean of all her impurity with water and the powerful presence of His word. (Ephesians 5:21-26 The Voice) Lest we forget, submission is more than just wives submitting to their husbands. First of all as children of God, our submission should be to the will and purpose of God. Then Paul reminds the Ephesians (and us) that with the Spirit, we can and should humbly submit to one another to show to honor of the Anointed. And then, yes, there is the privilege of wives submitting to the leadership of their husbands. Followed then, by the husband showing deep, pure and sacrificial love for his wife. What a beautiful picture this is! Father, thank You for this picture in Ephesians. Help me to understand it more and more. Your love for us is great and I am so grateful. AMEN Show me Your path, O Lord, and point out the right road for me to follow. Lead me by Your truth and teach me. All day I put my hope in You. Psalm 25