
Scripture: 1 Another time Jesus was praying, and when He finished, one of His disciples approached Him. Disciple: “Teacher, would You teach us Your way of prayer? John taught his disciples his way of prayer, and we’re hoping You’ll do the same.” Jesus: 2 “Here’s how to pray: Father (in heaven), may Your name be revered. May Your kingdom come. (May Your will be accomplished on earth as it is in heaven.) 3 Give us the food we need for tomorrow, 4 And forgive us for our wrongs, for we forgive those who wrong us. And lead us away from temptation. (And save us from the evil one.)” (Luke 11:1-4 The Voice) The way Jesus prayed was what the disciples were asking about, an instruction. Jesus responded with a prayer that can still be used today, and every day. It is not about a lot of words or pleas. It is simple. It can help to keep our hearts pure and our focus clear. Thank You, Lord. Truly this is a prayer for today and every day. I am so glad that You did not give us a lot of rules or formulas, but rather a simple way to stay close to You. AMEN We are mere humans, Father, but You care for us. You are my shield, my refuge, my safety, and my deliverer. I will always praise You. Psalm 144