Not What I Want


35 He went on a little farther and fell to the ground. He prayed that, if it were possible, the awful hour awaiting him might pass him by. 36 “Abba, Father,” he cried out, “everything is possible for you. Please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” 37 Then he returned and found the disciples asleep. He said to Peter, “Simon, are you asleep? Couldn’t you watch with me even one hour? 38 Keep watch and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak.” (Mark 14:35-38 NLT)
Jesus was praying a prayer here that is probably one of the most difficult. We are so human, and so prone to try to figure things out our way, and then pray that God will follow our plan! Stay alert, and be in prayer. It sounds simple, but is not so easy. This is truly something that I want to pray: “Not what I want, but what You want”. It is not always easy to do that, and do it sincerely. Father, You do know that is my desire. I do know that You always know best; You always know what is good for me, for my family. Thank You that You care. I love You. AMEN I will depend on You alone, Lord. In You my heart rejoices for I am trusting in You and Your unfailing love. My hope is in You alone. Psalm 33