Gift Of Peace

27 “I leave the gift of peace with you – my peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but my perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts – instead, be courageous! 28 Remember what I’ve told you, that I must go away, but I promise to come back to you. So if you truly love me, you will be glad for me, since I’m returning to my Father, who is greater than I. 29 So when all these happen, you will still trust and cling to me. 30 I won’t speak with you much longer, for the ruler of this dark world is coming. But he has no power over me, for he has nothing to use against me. 31 I am doing exactly what the Father destined for me to accomplish so that the world will discover how much I love my Father. Now come with me.” (John 14:27-31 The Passion)

We live in a very real world, and in that world there seems to be so much to fear. If we live with that fear, we will not be able to believe and serve our God effectively. Jesus has given us the gift of peace, but we have to receive it and live it. He says to trust and, even, cling to Him. Can we do that? Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord. (Psalm 27:14 NLT)

Father God, I thank You so very much for the gift of peace! It is a precious gift for me.

You alone, God, are my place of quiet retreat, and your wrap-around presence becomes my shield as I wrap myself in Your Word! You strengthen my inner being by the promises of Your Word so that I may live faithful. Psalm 119