Clarity In Creation

Scripture: 19 These people are not ignorant about what can be known of God, because He has shown it to them with great clarity . 20 From the beginning, creation in its magnificence enlightens us to His nature. Creation itself makes His undying power and divine identity clear, even though they are invisible, and voids the excuses and ignorant claims of these people 21 because, despite the fact that they knew the one true God, they have failed to show the love, honor, and appreciation due to the One who created them! Instead, their lives are consumed by vain thoughts that poison their foolish hearts. 22 They claim to be wise; but they have been exposed as fools , frauds, and con artists — 23 only a fool would trade the splendor and beauty of the immortal God to worship images of the common man or woman, bird or reptile, or the next beast that tromps along. (Romans 1:19-23 The Voice)

God’s creation; what an amazing thing it is! Daily as we walk and observe various aspects of the nature around us, as we work in the yard and marvel at new life once again, or we see how one thing works to aid another, I continue to be amazed. I so enjoy all of these, and wonder at the lack of understanding of so many that do not believe! God’s divine identity, power, and nature is truly shown with great clarity. I am so thankful for the wonder and beauty of Your creation, God! You show Yourself and Your nature in so many ways! Thank You. AMEN Lord, I want my actions and life to consistently reflect Your principles. As I continue to learn, I will thank You by living as I should. Psalm 119