But First

Scripture: 57 Farther along on the road, road, a man volunteered to become a disciple. I’ll follow You to any destination. 58 Foxes are at home in their burrows. Birds are at home in their nests. But the Son of Man has no home. 59 You (to (to another person)—I want you to follow Me! Another Volunteer: “I’d be glad to, Teacher, but let me first attend to my father’s funeral.” Jesus: 60 “Let the dead bury their dead. I’m giving you a different calling—to go and proclaim the kingdom of God.” A Third Volunteer: 61 “I’ll come, Jesus. I’ll follow You. But just let me first run home to say good-bye to my family.” Jesus: 62 “Listen, if your hand is on the plow but your eyes are looking backward, then you’re not fit for the kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:57-62 The Voice) These words of Jesus to those who are volunteering to go with Him, can seem a bit harsh. But Jesus knew that if they went back, there was every chance they would get caught up in life, and would not come back to follow Him. When we were on the mission field, we saw this happen more than once. People would come for a visit to help in some way, and see some of what God was doing; get excited and say they wanted to come and help. “But first” they would say, we need to do such and such. And what happened, they never came back? The Lord wants to see that we will have no “but firsts” that will keep us from giving Him our whole heart and service. Father, You know how that played out in our lives. You were so faithful to meet us as we gave You our all. Help us not to lose that attitude in our present life. AMEN Lord, as I pray to You, I will say again and again, You are my place of refuge. You are all I want; all I need. Thank You. Psalm142