According To Your Faith

Scripture: 27 Jesus left the official’s house. And as He was walking, two blind men began to follow
Him. Blind Men: “Son of David! Have mercy on us!” 28 Jesus went to their house, and the blind men sat in front of Him. Jesus: “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” Blind Men: “Yes, Lord.” Faith in Jesus and His power is essential for healing, so it isn’t surprising that all it takes is Jesus’ touch to heal these men. Jesus (touching their eyes): 29 “According to your faith, it will be done to you.” 30 And they could see. Then Jesus spoke to them as He had spoken to the leper. Jesus: “Don’t tell anyone about this.” (Matthew 9:27-30 The Voice)
Faith: there is so much to think about with faith. To these blind men Jesus said, “According to your faith, …”. To the woman with the bleeding ailment He said, “Your faith has healed you.” To the men carrying the paraplegic on a mat He simply saw their faith. What would He say about my faith, your faith? I do think about this a lot, this thing called faith. Father God, do want my faith to be enough, to be real. I believe in Who You are and what You do, can do. I so want to grow in my faith. AMEN I thank You, Lord, and am filled with joy as I remember, and think about all the marvelous things You do and have done. Psalm 9