A Prophecy Fulfilled


22 This happened so that what the Lord spoke through his prophet would come true: 23 Listen! A virgin will be pregnant, she will give birth to a Son, and he will be known as “Emmanuel,” which means in Hebrew, “God became one of us.” 24 When Joseph awoke from his dream, he did all that the angel of the Lord instructed him to do. He took Mary to be his wife, 25 but they refrained from having sex until she gave birth to her son, whom the named “Jesus.” (Matthew 1:22-25 The Passion)
And it was there all along, the prophecy about the coming Messiah, for them to see and believe. Thankfully Joseph did listen when the angel of the Lord spoke to him in a dream. He was willing to do a very hard thing, and to follow through and take Mary as his wife and become a father to the son, they named “Jesus”, that was the promised Messiah. When God speaks to me, to you, do I/you listen, and then respond willingly even if it is a difficult thing to do? God continues today to speak to His children just as He did in days past, and it continues to be our choice if we respond. Father, thank You for the lesson we can learn from Joseph. I thank You for the times that You have given Jim and me direction, and then been with us as we have followed through on what You asked us to do. Help us to continue to be open and willing. AMEN Yes, what delight will come to those who follow God’s ways! They will be able to stand firm like a flourishing tree planted by God’s design. Psalm 1