Wrong Teaching

Scripture:  Matthew 16:5-12 (Click link for scripture in Bible Gateway)

5 Later, after they crossed to the other side of the lake, the disciples discovered they had forgotten to bring any bread. 6 “Watch out!” Jesus warned them. “Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” 7 At this they began to argue with each other because they hadn’t brought any bread. 8 Jesus knew what they were saying, so he said, “You have so little faith! Why are you arguing with each other about having no bread? 9 Don’t you understand even yet? Don’t you remember the 5,000 I fed with five loaves, and the baskets of leftovers you picked up? 10 Or the 4,000 I fed with seven loaves, and the large baskets of leftovers you picked up? 11 Why can’t you understand that I’m not talking about bread? So again I say, ‘Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.’ ” 12 Then at last they understood that he wasn’t speaking about the yeast in bread, but about the deceptive teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees. (Matthew 16:5–12 NLT)

After the confrontation with the Pharisees and Sadducees, Jesus thought how easily their attitudes can creep into people’s minds. The Pharisees emphasized keeping the minute details of religious ritual practice, while in their thinking, lying and cheating and oppressing the poor and weak didn’t interfere with their being “good” with God. The Sadducees were greedy for wealth and power and willing to compromise with evil to avoid losing their position and influence and privileged place in society. Jesus understood that their opposition to him had hardened, and that they were more determined than ever to eliminate him.

The most influential leaders in Judaism were joining forces to kill the Messiah, the Son of God. So Jesus expressed to his disciples his sadness and disappointment that the very people who hated him most were the very people leading the nation and religion! And the disciples thought he was upset because they had forgotten to bring lunch! Sometimes disciples can be so frustrating!

Jesus reminded them that faith can take care of bread. And then he told them again that wrong teaching, whether motivated by religious legalism or by greed for power and wealth, can pollute the minds and hearts of God’s people. That kind of yeast is just as dangerous today.


Father, Protect my mind and heart from the yeast of wrong teaching, of compromise, and deception. Create in me a clean heart and a right spirit. For Jesus’ sake.