Whenever He Chooses

Whenever He Chooses

Reading: Leviticus 15-17; Acts 18 The Lord said to Moses, “Warn your brother, Aaron, not to enter the Most Holy Place behind the inner curtain whenever he chooses; if he does, he will die. For the Ark’s cover—the place of atonement—is there, and I myself am present in the cloud above the atonement cover.” (Leviticus 16:2 NLT)
Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu had been struck down in God’s presence for approaching in an unauthorized manner. Now God warned that even Aaron the high priest must not enter the Most Holy Place whenever he chose to, but only at a certain time each year and only with very detailed preparation. Under penalty of death! Much of the time, I fail to fully appreciate the reality of my privilege of entering the Most Holy Place of God’s presence. Through praise and prayer, I can come into the presence of the God of the Universe whenever I choose. Through quietness and open-hearted waiting, I can both hear his faith-releasing words of encouragement and instruction, and share with him my deepest sorrows and cares, my highest joys and delights! This privilege of entering the Presence of God Most High at any time, and in any place, is mine because once and for all Jesus Christ made all the preparation and provision. Like the innocent lamb, he paid the price of atonement, and like the scape-goat, he carried all my sins far away into the wilderness. Jesus introduced a New Way of coming into God’s presence, taking it out of the realm of rule-keeping and rituals, and bringing in the Way of Relationship and Intimacy. I’m not writing this as a lesson in spirituality or in doctrine, but simply to remind us that we have the incredible privilege of access to God’s presence at any time and in any place! And I confess that I wonder why I don’t value this privilege more highly and spend time with my Father and God more often! Does this resonate with you at all? Prayer: Father, Thank you for making a way through the sacrifice of your son Jesus Christ for my entry into your Most Holy Presence whenever I choose. Forgive me for taking it lightly. Forgive me when I stay away too long. I am so thankful for the privilege! Amen.
