The Right Thing

The Right Thing

Reading: 2 Samuel 6; 1 Chronicles 13; Psalm 68; Matthew 17

3 “It is time to bring back the Ark of our God, for we neglected it during the reign of Saul.” 4 The whole assembly agreed to this, for the people could see it was the right thing to do.
(1 Chronicles 13:3-4 NLT) David was on a roll! God had united all Israel under his leadership. All political threats to his monarchy had been removed. He had established his capital city in Jerusalem, near his home town of Bethlehem. His popularity was at an all-time high. David was a worshiper! He truly wanted God’s presence and power, represented by the Covenant Ark, at the center of the nation’s life. So instead of having the priests carry the ark as God had instructed, David put the Ark of God on a brand-new fit-for-a-king oxcart, and started out for Jerusalem with the entire nation shouting, singing, and celebrating. A little bump in the road, a stumble by one of the oxen, and Collateral Damage – a good man died. David was angry and afraid, all because of trying to do the right thing the wrong way. The problem here is that because David was hitting so many home runs, scoring so many success points, he forgot that God not only has a plan for what he wants you to do, but a procedure for how he wants you to do it. Doing the right thing the wrong way can be a danger for all of us. The danger is greater when we’re successful, and blessed by God, and popular with those around us. When we’re getting kicked around, we tend to be less presumptuous, I think. I think most of my ideas are pretty good. What I must remember is that it’s not just, “God, I’m going to do you a real favor here!” It’s, “Father, do you want me to do this? Father, how do you want me to do this?” Leadership Maxim: Leaders do the right things, managers do things right.
Godly Leadership Maxim: Godly leaders do the right things the right way!
Prayer: Father, I ask you for revelation, wisdom, and understanding. I ask for revelation of what you want done, wisdom for how you want it done, and understanding of how it affects people and relationships so that everyone wins. Help me do the right things the right way. Amen.
