Thank God For You

Reading:  1 Thessalonians 1; Proverbs 8

2 We always thank God for all of you and pray for you constantly. 3 As we pray to our God and Father about you, we think of your faithful work, your loving deeds, and the enduring hope you have because of our Lord Jesus Christ.  (1 Thessalonians 1:2-3 NLT)

God has placed some people in my life as wonderful gifts of his grace to me.  Some of these people are nearby and I see them often. Others live far away, in Jamaica, Africa, the UK, and other places, and I seldom get to see them. I communicate with them mostly by email, on social media, or by text messages.

Some of these very special people have been God’s gift to me in times of transition, crisis, and challenge. Some of them are good friends who bring richness and rest to my life. Some are family members near and far who are part of my heritage, and my legacy, and who help define who I am.

Whenever I think of these special people I thank God for them. The list of people I’m thankful for keeps growing as I realize more and more that my relationships with family, friends, and my fellow-travelers are the most precious things I have!

Now I’m learning to add prayers of blessing to the thanks I give God when I think of each of these special “Gift-From-God” people. And I’m asking God to make me an “I thank God for you” person to others.

Today is our 59th wedding anniversary, and I’m especially thanking God for my wife Jean! She’s a good friend to me, a good mother to our daughters, a good grandmother to our three grandsons, and a spiritual Mom to many others. Jean, I honor you and bless you, and pray God’s best for you always, in every way!

Friends, whom do you thank God for today? How about letting them know!!


Father, Thank you for gracing my life with so many special people! Thanks for each of them and for the part they play in helping me, healing me, and enabling me to keep becoming the person you purposed me to be. I pray that you will bless and prosper and protect each of these “I thank God for you” people. Bring them to mind often, that I may be thankful often, and that I may bless them often. And please help me to be one of someone else’s “I thank God for you” people. Amen.