Was It All For Nothing?  – Psalm 73 Part 4

Scripture: Psalm 73 (Click Link)

13 Did I keep my heart pure for nothing? Did I keep myself innocent for no reason? 14 I get nothing but trouble all day long; every morning brings me pain. 15 If I had really spoken this way to others, I would have been a traitor to your people. 16 So I tried to understand why the wicked prosper. But what a difficult task it is! (Psalm 73:13-16 NLT)

Hang on, friends, we’re almost there! Asaph has processed through his anger and frustration with the wickedness he sees around him and his disappointment that God doesn’t seem to be willing to do anything about it. He hits the bottom of his dive into the depths of doubt, frustration, and questioning! So Asaph finally asks the big questions that have been on his mind the whole time. 1) Did I keep my heart pure for nothing? Because I could have jumped in there with the “Proud” and done all the nasty stuff they did! 2) Did I keep myself innocent for no reason? God seems to be letting them get away with murder! And you know what? I’ve got nothing but trouble all day, and more pain every morning!

In Asaph’s frame of mind, those were legitimate questions. Just like questions you and I have sometimes. But, we’ve developed this concept that if we do all the right things, our lives will always and only overflow with blessings. Reality is that sometimes the righteous suffer, and sometimes the wicked prosper. God has given us Asaph’s story to help us make some sense of the world we’re living in.

One more thing to learn from Asaph as we hit the bottom of the dark canyon of doubt and start up the other side into the sunlight: It’s good, really good, to learn to be honest about how we’re feeling about what we’re going through. But it’s just as important to learn how to properly deal with those feelings! Asaph realized that he was an influencer. You and I are influencers, too. Asaph knew that if he blurted out to everyone how he was feeling, it would harm those who were looking up to him for help and encouragement. So instead of letting off steam to anyone who would listen, he wrote a song! Everyone needs a safe way to express doubts and questions.

What works for you? A trusted friend to talk to? A journal to write your thoughts? A small group of mature Christian friends? A quiet retreat? A season of fasting? A night of honest prayer? Find your way, your place to be safely honest!


Father, May my friends and I find a safe place to be completely honest. Amen.