Pass It On

Reading:  2 Timothy 2; Psalm 131

Pass on what you heard from me—the whole congregation saying Amen!—to reliable leaders who are competent to teach others. (2 Timothy 2:2 MSG)

Paul planted churches, raised up leaders, and influenced thousands of people in nearly every country around the Mediterranean Sea. His revelation of Christ became the foundation of our faith.  His revelation of the church became the pattern for how Christ-followers relate up to the present day.

But the real secret of Paul’s success and impact was in finding key individuals and personally passing on to them the truths God had revealed to him. Paul developed leaders who were able and willing to “pass it on.”

Influence is a gift from God and a stewardship responsibility. Whether our influence is in a group of friends, in our work environment, as parents with our children, in the church – wherever God gives us influence, it’s up to each of us to take what we’ve learned of God and his ways and pass it on to those we influence, who will pass it on to others.

Jean and I have thought and talked a great deal recently about influence. I’m so aware of the gift of influence God has given us and powerfully reminded how important it is to be intentional in the stewardship of influence!


Father, I want to use the gift of influence wisely and well. Help me to be as intentional as Paul was in passing on to those I influence who will pass on to others the things you have entrusted to me.