Never Give Up

Reading:  2 Corinthians 4; Psalm 8

1 Therefore, since God in his mercy has given us this wonderful ministry, we never give up. 2 We reject all shameful deeds and underhanded methods. We don’t try to trick anyone or distort the word of God. We tell the truth before God, and all who are honest know this. (2 Corinthians 4:1-2 NLT)

Three times in this chapter (vs 1, vs 8, vs 16) Paul says, “We never give up.” If anyone ever had a reason to get discouraged and be tempted to give up, it was Paul. But Paul was focused on his God-given commission to take the Good News to the nations and he just wouldn’t quit.

Besides his commitment to “Never Give Up,” Paul was just as committed not only to do the right thing, but to do the right thing in the right way. Paul said:

  • We never give up – we just won’t quit.
  • We reject underhanded methods – no schemes.
  • We don’t try to trick anyone – no bait and switch.
  • We don’t distort God’s Word – we say what God says.
  • We tell the truth – the simple truth of Jesus Christ.

I admire Paul’s determination and his integrity. I want to create a reputation and leave a legacy of commitment to God’s purpose and to integrity of life.

John replied, “God in heaven appoints each person’s work.”  (John 3:27 NLT)

If I’m God’s man, and if my work is God-assigned work, I can’t just quit when I’m tired, or when I’m discouraged, or when someone criticizes me, or when I think something else would be easier. I can’t quit until God says I’m done!

And if I’m God’s man, and if my work is God-assigned work, I can’t do it dishonestly, I can’t cut corners, I can’t use or take advantage of others, I can’t just think about my own desires and ambitions. I’ve got to do my God-assigned work in a God-honoring, Other-centered way. I won’t give up and I won’t give in!


Father, Thanks for Paul’s words, work, and example. Help me today, as I think on Paul’s words, to press them into my heart. May I be an example of unrelenting commitment to your purpose and unswerving commitment to integrity of life. Amen.