My Destiny

Reading: Job 23-24; Mark 11-12 13 Once he has made his decision, who can change his mind? Whatever he wants to do, he does. 14 So he will do to me whatever he has planned. He controls my destiny. (Job 23:13-14 NLT) Job spoke a lot of truth as he processed through his pain, his grief, and his loss. His conclusions were not always correct, because he was working in the dark. He couldn’t see all the factors that bore on his situation. But his theology was pretty solid most of the way through it. When I’m going through things I don’t understand, my mental processes and my conclusions can get pretty weird if I don’t stick to what I know to be true—God is good, God loves me, and God’s plan for me is the best of all possible plans. I’ve also got to realize there are factors in the equation that I’m not aware of—things about me, things about others, things about past, present, and future—there’s a lot of the picture I can’t see from where I stand. So if I want to think right thoughts, say right words, and do right things, and if I want to avoid being consumed with fear, frustration, and confusion, it’s gonna be best to simply leave the results in God’s hands. He knows what’s going on!

My destiny is in the capable hands of the one who loves me most! Prayer:

Father, I know that you are wise, powerful, and that your every decision and action toward me is motivated by love. Please help me to remember those things about you and me and our relationship when, like Job, I’m in the dark—when I can’t see my future and when I can’t understand my present. I trust you and I’m glad you’re in control of my destiny. Amen.
