Light and Life 1

Life and Light 1

Reading: John 1:1-14; Genesis 1:3 Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. (Genesis 1:3 NLT) 4 The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. (John 1:4-5 NLT) Good morning, friends! I’m going to take a couple days and explore a little of the Life and Light versus Chaos and Darkness theme in John 1:1-14. I’m relating this to God speaking creatively and how that impacts our speaking creatively and also our speaking on his behalf. The Genesis 1 story tells us that God spoke into emptiness and void and called substance into being. As God the Spirit hovered over the new creation, God the Word spoke into darkness and chaos and brought light and order. That pattern was true then, and in the Biblical record, and in the experiences of those believers who have gone before us. It’s also true in the experiences of our own lives. In the gospels, Jesus says that his followers (that includes us) share the privilege of relationship to the Father and the presence of the Holy Spirit with us, in us, and upon us. We also share the authority, responsibility, and privilege of speaking creatively into our world as God did in creation and as Jesus did in his world. I’m just beginning this fresh approach to my devotional writing, so please bear with me as I learn how to pace our journey through scriptures this year. Here are a couple of guidelines I’ve set for myself and for our daily travels:
• I’m writing these thoughts for myself to process and apply first. Then I’m sharing the result of that process as honestly as I can with you each day.
• I’m writing this in real-time. You’re going to be reading these words very shortly after I’ve written them. So they may not be polished and we may move more slowly through some parts I’m wrestling with.
• I’m not preaching! I’m sharing my journey. If I start to sound preachy I’m counting on you and the Holy Spirit to call me on it!
• Are you with me? I’m so looking forward to this leg of our journey! Prayer: Father, You speak light into darkness and order into chaos. Please speak light and order into our lives. May we speak light and order to everyone who inhabits our little world!
