He Renews My Strength

He Renews My Strength

Reading: Psalm 23 (Click link for Psalm 23 in a different translation each day.) He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. (Psalm 23:3 NLT) Renewing strength is not the same as rest. Renewing strength is related to exercise (He guides me along right paths). Since just about Christmas time, due to weather, schedule, and illness, we’ve not been doing our everyday walks in the desert east of town with Jake the Dog. I’ve noticed when I walk him on leash over to the park that he’s a little wider than a month ago! And I’ve noticed that he and I both have a little less stamina than we had when we were walking our regular loop trail in the desert regularly. A good friend told me that part of that is due to the body’s wisdom in not just jumping back in where we left off. What a good plan, Creator God! But part of it is that, while I’ve been getting more rest during the illness and recovery, I’ve not been renewing my strength and stamina! Our Good Shepherd lets us rest in green meadows and leads us by peaceful streams, but he also guides us along right paths. And we all know that right paths are seldom the course of least resistance. Right paths can be strenuous and challenging! Right paths have steep places and some surprising twists and turns! In fact, if our Good Shepherd weren’t guiding us along right paths, I’m afraid we’d often choose a different route altogether! Or is it just me?

The right paths on which he guides us include challenging terrain and sketchy footing.
But they build strength. They build endurance. They build confidence in the Good Shepherd’s guidance and in our ability to follow his leading. So next time you feel like complaining about the often uphill, frequently challenging paths he takes you on, remember three things:
• He’s guiding you on the right paths.
• He’s restoring your strength in the process.
• When you follow his guidance, it’s blessing for you and honor for Jesus.
Prayer: Father, Thank you for helpful perspective on where and why you guide us as you do. I yield to your wisdom and care on when it’s time to rest in green meadows beside peaceful streams and when it’s time to follow your lead on right paths, as steep and challenging as they may be. May my friends and I excel at following your lead! Amen.
