Good and Responsible

Reading: 1 Peter 1; Psalm 148

You call out to God for help and he helps—he’s a good Father that way. But don’t forget, he’s also a responsible Father, and won’t let you get by with sloppy living. Your life is a journey you must travel with a deep consciousness of God. (1 Peter 1:17  MSG)

I remember years ago listening to a Bible teacher whose name I have long since forgotten, but whose words I will never forget. He said that one of the underlying themes of the Bible is: “Life is hard, but God is good. But life is hard!”

Peter begins this encouraging letter reminding Christ-followers that the life of a Christian is both good and hard. We are God’s children, and he’s a good Father who will help us in our need. He is also a responsible Father who will discipline us as required because he’s more interested in our character than our comfort!

God loves us (he is a good father) and he hears and answers our prayers. God loves us (he is a responsible father) and he will see to it that we face challenges and come through victorious, that we learn to make right choices in hard situations, that we learn to think long-term purposeful thoughts instead of short-term self-gratification thoughts.

God wants us to grow up and to become all he created us to be. That will require some decisions, some diligence, and some determination on our part, and a whole lot of grace and patience on his part!

My life is a journey I must travel with a deep consciousness of God.

If I don’t keep my heart God-focused and maintain a deep God-consciousness, I will fall into the pattern of short-term, self-gratification thinking and living. That kind of thinking and living will keep me always immature and unfulfilled. Where’s your consciousness focused?


Father, Today I refresh and renew my God-consciousness, my you-consciousness. You are a good and responsible Father, and you not only have a plan for me, but it is the best of all possible plans for my life, my service, and my eternity. I say “Yes” to everything you have in mind for me. Thanks for your goodness that lovingly meets my needs, and your responsible fathering that keeps me moving forward in life’s journey. Amen!