God’s Mighty Weapons

Reading:  2 Corinthians 10; Proverbs 6

3 We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do. 4 We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. 5 We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:3–5 NLT)

After pleading in the “gentleness and kindness of Christ”, Paul uses warfare terminology to communicate how serious the conflict is between God’s truth and Satan’s lies, and how proud human reasoning can keep people from knowing God.

“Weapons and warfare” terminology conjures up images of sword-swinging and battle cries, and blood on the ground. But when Jesus Christ battled Satan’s temptations, he calmly reminded Satan of Truth—of God’s unfailing Word. And when Jesus freed people from demonic oppression, he didn’t rage and shout, he spoke calmly with the full, confident authority of his relationship to his Father.

And it’s good for us to remember that our greatest Spiritual Battles are often fought in our own minds as we stand firm against the lies and accusations of Satan clad in our armor of salvation, faith, and truth!

Before we go off wildly swinging swords and lopping off ears as Peter did that night in Gethsemane in his effort to protect Jesus, let’s remember Christ’s willing submission to his Father’s will and Paul’s humility (not timidity) when challenged by Roman might and Jewish religiosity.

God’s Mighty Weapons are wielded most effectively in prayer and peacefulness, honesty and truth, humility and submission, and in the quiet authority of those who trust in the Lord with all their hearts!


Father, Thank you for the Mighty Weapons of Spiritual Warfare you have trusted into our hands and hearts. Please help us to wage warfare through the power of the mind and heart of Christ and not in our own anger and hatred. We trust you for victory through Christ’s death and resurrection. May we not slice the ears off innocent bystanders as we fight for righteousness and truth! In Jesus’ Name!