Do Not Be Afraid – Ps 91 Part 2

Scripture: Psalm 91 (Click Link)

5 Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day. 6 Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday. 7 Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you. 8 Just open your eyes, and see how the wicked are punished. (Psalm 91:5-8 NLT)

As I read these verses, the phrase Fear Factor came to mind. Fear Factor was a TV stunt/game show on the NBC network in the US. It ran from 2001-2006 and featured individuals and teams of contestants facing their worst fears to win prizes. The contestants ate horrible foods, were enclosed in coffins full of worms, lowered into rat inhabited pits, and took physical risks that occasionally resulted in injuries. It was kind of a “Face your worst fears for fun and profit!” kind of game.

The Psalmist lists fears like night terrors, attacks on your life, disease that attacks in silent darkness, and disaster that strikes without warning. In other words, Fear Factors. I believe we’re facing some Fear Factors these days, friends! I’m in my 80’s now and that makes me part of a demographic of folks who are facing our mortality. Many of us are introduced to our mortality by a medical diagnosis of a disease that’s going to rob us of some of our freedoms and abilities. For some it’s a “not curable, but treatable” diagnosis. For some it’s a situation that requires us to make major changes to manage the time we have left.

The longer you live, the more you realize that life really does have uncertainties, realities beyond our control. If we dread these uncertainties, if we dwell on them, they can become Fear Factors that dominate our lives and dictate our emotions.

God’s Word says, “Do Not Be Afraid! Do Not Dread!” Don’t get trapped by Fear Factors. Whether it’s fear for your health, fear of losing your physical capabilities, or fear for your job, business, income, and your financial well-being, trust in God. Trust in God and God alone for your protection and provision!


Father, It’s so easy to get caught up in Fear Factors! We’re inundated daily by scary news reports, forecasts, and predictions that make things look really bleak. Many of us are facing our mortality for the first time. Some of us have a diagnosis with a poor prognosis. Please help us to trust you, and you alone, for our protection and provision. In Jesus’ Name!