Change 9 – Hard Change

Reading: Job 1:1-3

20 Job stood up and tore his robe in grief. Then he shaved his head and fell to the ground to worship. 21 He said, “I came naked from my mother’s womb, and I will be naked when I leave. The LORD gave me what I had, and the LORD has taken it away. Praise the name of the LORD!” 22 In all of this, Job did not sin by blaming God. (Job 1:20-22 NLT)

Job’s story was written over 4000 years ago and we’re still trying to find answers to why bad things happen to good people. Job’s story doesn’t provide concrete answers to why bad things happen to us and people we love, because Satan and God don’t get into an argument over each one of us! But the reality is that bad things happen and if we don’t figure out how to face them, process them, and move on with life, they can destroy us!

The ten most stressful life changes are: 1) Death of spouse or child; 2) Divorce; 3) Marital separation; 4) Imprisonment; 5) Death of close family member; 6) Personal injury or illness; 7) Marriage; 8) Loss of job; 9) Marital reconciliation; 10) Retirement. Job isn’t the only one to face sudden “I Never Saw That Coming!” life changes. We too get blindsided with changes that inflict unspeakable pain. Our future hinges on how we face, process, and deal with these hard changes.

Some things to consider from Job’s story:

  • We need friends. Job’s friends were helpful as long as they kept quiet and didn’t try to explain things they didn’t understand. Job didn’t need their well-meaning but erroneous theories (Job 2:11-13). And neither do we or our friends! We need their presence and their listening. And we need to offer the same to them in their need.
  • Job was honest about his pain. Job let it all out! That honesty prepared the way for his eventual restoration and healing. (Job 3)
  • Job was honest with God. At first, Job saw God as the source of his pain and loss, but because he turned toward God, not away, because he stayed engaged, he was eventually able to know God on a fresh level of trust.
  • Job never learned the actual “Why?” God will not necessarily explain everything, but God will not leave you or forsake you. God will give you hope!


Father, Thank you for the story of Job, for the stories of so many before us and around us who have faced the worst “I Never Saw That Coming!” changes of their lives and have come through it strong in faith! May we be encouraged by their example and may we receive your grace to help in our times of need. In Jesus’ Name.