
Reading:  2 Corinthians 10; Psalm 32

I may seem to be boasting too much about the authority given to us by the Lord. But our authority builds you up; it doesn’t tear you down. So I will not be ashamed of using my authority. (2 Corinthians 10:8 NLT)

Authority is a good idea! In fact authority is a God idea! God created the heavens and the earth and everything in them. They and all they contain are his! That makes God responsible for his creation, and with responsibility comes authority. God has delegated some of his authority to humans, in families, organizations, and nations.

  • Families require the exercise of authority to function successfully.
  • Businesses and organizations require the exercise of authority to function successfully.
  • Nations require the exercise of authority to function at all!

But here’s a caution: Authority can be, and often is, abused. In order for authority to be healthy, God-honoring authority, it must be exercised for the benefit of those under its control or influence.

Here are a few insights about authority:

  • Authority is for serving. Just as God exercises Divine Authority for the benefit of those under his control and influence and not merely for his own aggrandizement, everyone who exercises authority must be a servant to those governed—family, organization, or nation.
  • Authority builds up. Properly exercised authority helps people mature, grow stronger, and accept responsibility for their own decisions, actions, and their consequences. Proper authority helps develop healthy responsibility.
  • Authority gives way to counsel. Especially in the family, but with application to other social structures as well, the exercise of authority adjusts and adapts to the maturity and responsibility level of those it serves. Parental authority gives way to parental counsel and advice.
  • Authority abuse often leads to revolution. The authority abuser usually sees it as rebellion, but when the exercise of authority doesn’t adjust and adapt with maturity and responsibility, revolution may be the natural outcome.


Father, We accept and honor your authority as supreme over all! Thanks for trusting us to exercise some measure of your authority in relationships. Please help us to exercise authority lovingly and wisely, always with the best interests of others at heart. Amen!