Acts of Worship

Reading: Hebrews 12-13; Jude Make sure you don’t take things for granted and go slack in working for the common good; share what you have with others. God takes particular pleasure in acts of worship—a different kind of “sacrifice”—that take place in kitchen and workplace and on the streets. (Hebrews 13:16 MSG) There’s so much in Hebrews 13 about learning to get along with each other, getting our faith out of the church building and into the streets, and responding to our leaders! There’s also a lot about worship! Here are some thoughts about true worship:
• Acts of worship don’t only take place in church services with songs, sermons, and prayers.
• Preparing a meal in the kitchen can be an act of worship.
• Sharing what we have with others is an act of God-worship.
• Being a friend to someone at work can be an act of worship.
• Going to the streets with the Good News or with warm clothing and a meal can be an act of worship. I believe God receives the worship we offer in practicing spiritual disciplines, in singing songs together, in praying corporately, and in gathering as the family of God, the body of Christ. But God takes “particular pleasure” in personal acts of kindness to others, in sharing what we have, and in taking the love of Jesus to people right where they are.

Friends, what can you do between now and Christmas to take your acts of true worship to the kitchen, the workplace, and the streets? Got any ideas? I’m not talking primarily about singing carols door to door! Let’s think of something that’s lovingly, creatively worshipful! Are you in? Prayer: Father, I’m glad we have this cultural tradition of giving and sharing with others at Christmas. But as we go forward, please help me and my family and those we influence to learn to be giving-conscious and sharing-aware all year long. Help us to become this way with people in every arena of our lives. And please let us learn to do these acts of caring and sharing as acts of love because of you and as acts of worship to you. Amen.
