So Many Dreams

Scripture: 12 Afterward they returned to their own country by another route because God had warned them in a dream not to go back to Herod. 13 After they had gone, Joseph had another dream. An angel of the Lord appeared to him and said, “Get up now and flee to Egypt. Take Mary and the little child and stay there until I tell you to leave, for Herod intends to search for the child to kill him. 19 After Herod died, the angel of the Lord appeared again to Joseph in a dream while he was still in Egypt, 20 saying, “Go back to the land of Israel and take the child and his mother with you, for those who sought to kill the child are dead.” 21 So he awoke and took Jesus and Mary and returned to the land of Israel. 22 But when he heard that Archelaus, Herod’s son, had succeeded him as ruler over all of the territory of Judah, he was afraid to go back. Then he had another dream from God, warning him to avoid that region and instructing him instead to go to the province of Galilee. 23 So he settled his family in the village of Nazareth, fulfilling the prophecy that he would be known as the “Branch.” (Matthew 2:12-13, 19-23 The Passion) Our God has so many ways He is able to speak to His children, but one way He uses often is through dreams. Joseph in the Old Testament had dreams, and also interpreted dreams that led him to the place God had for him. God used dreams many times with this Joseph that certainly helped him care for the Son of God. And then there were the wise men that also had a dream that probably saved their lives. What about today? Does God still speak to us through dreams? I have had a couple experiences of dreams warning me of something that was going to happen. I want to let God use whatever way He wants to speak to me. Father, thank You that You still speak to Your children, to me. As I read Your Word, I hear Your voice, as I listen to a message at church, as I hear a song. Help me to continue to be aware of Your clear voice. AMEN Lord, You continue to say to me, “I will stay close to you, instructing and guiding you along the pathway for your life. I will advise you and lead you with my eyes as your guide.” Psalm 32