The Special Work

The Special Work

Reading: Job 8; Acts 13-14

2 One day as these men were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said. “Dedicate Barnabas and Saul for the special work I have for them.” 3 So after more fasting and prayer, the men laid their hands on them and sent them on their way.
(Acts 13:2-3 NLT) What a church the Antioch church must have been! Started by fugitives fleeing persecution in Judea, cultivated by Barnabas’ encouragement and Paul’s teaching, led by a multi-cultural team who looked for God’s direction through times of intense prayer and fasting – a circle of intensity and obedience. Sounds like their team meetings were more like prayer meetings and worship services! Into that circle of intensity and obedience, God spoke! Did he speak by giving one or more of the “prophets and teachers” a prophecy to the others about Barnabas and Saul and the special gifts and calling God had for them? More than likely. And they did it! The team recognized the special calling on their two founding leaders and obediently took the step of faith that released the Good News to the world. Now, many centuries later, I’m a Christ-follower partly because of what happened in that leaders’ prayer and worship meeting in Antioch. Like Barnabas and Saul, I want to do the special work that God has called me to. As the seasons of my life change, as I face transitions and make adjustments, it’s important for me to be very clear on “the work God has called me to do.” For me, this means an honest look at my passion, my gifts and my skills. It also means reviewing what God has said to me in the past and re-focusing on how that can and should be lived out in the present. I want to use my life, my gifts, my talents for the specific work God has for me in this season of my life. I’m thankful for my wife, my family, and my friends who are helping me to be clear and focused on “the work God has called me to do!” What’s your God-given “Special Work?” Are you committed to finding it and doing it? Prayer: Father, I want to use my gifts and my talents, for the rest of my life, for the specific purpose and work to which you have called me. Just like the leadership team at Antioch, I present and submit myself to you for clear direction and specific assignment. Amen.
