Seasons of Life

Seasons of Life

Reading: Job 15: Acts 21-23 8 The next day we went on to Caesarea and stayed at the home of Philip the Evangelist, one of the seven men who had been chosen to distribute food. 9 He had four unmarried daughters who had the gift of prophecy. (Acts 21:8-9 NLT) When Paul and his traveling companions stopped in Caesarea Philippi, they stayed for a few days at the home of Philip. About five years into the life of the church, rapid growth had required organizational growth and a group of Holy Spirit-filled men had been chosen to be church administrators and pastors. One of them, Stephen, was soon martyred for his faith. Another, Philip, had to flee Jerusalem. Philip’s preaching and miracles started a revival in Samaria. Then God called him away from the revival and used him to explain the Good News to an African government official on the Gaza Road. After Philip baptized the Ethiopian, God teleported him to Azotus and he preached his way to Caesarea. Here we are twenty-two years later, and it looks as if he never left! Philip settled in Caesarea, prospered and raised a family there, had daughters who were believers in Christ and were filled with the Holy Spirit, just as Philip was, and who exercised the spiritual gift of prophecy. Philip’s home became a resting place for Paul and his team as they passed through. Way to go, Philip! Way to finish well! Seasons of life. Philip had a “church administration and pastor” season. Then he had an “itinerant, miracle working evangelist” season. Then he had a “settle down and raise a godly family and be a mature leader in the local community of faith” season. This little two verse glimpse of Philip’s life in his 50’s or 60’s means so much to me! Seasons of Life! Are you moving with the rhythm of the seasons of your life? Prayer: Father, I’m looking out my window at the vivid colors of the fall leaves on the trees across the street. The early morning sun is setting them aflame in orange and yellow. Beautiful! The irresistible turning of the season. Thanks for the seasons of my life. Thanks for the military season, the businessman season, the raising kids season, the planting churches season, the overseas missions season, the caring for pastors and churches season. And I thank you in advance for the next season of my life. I know the changing of the seasons is irresistible and I know the next season is in your hand. May it be unto me according to your word and your plan. Amen.
